American Board of Clinical Pharmacology, Inc.
AP and CP Examination Fees:
TOTAL COST: $1200 [Note: Some training programs will pay exam fees or reimburse them, after a passing score.]
A. Application fee: $550.
B. General Examination (including sub-section examination): $650.
C. Late fee: $200.
D. Re-examination fee: Second, Third, Forth Exam Attempts waives application fee portion, each re-take is $650 for the General Examination, and exam is only offered for one attempt each year July 1- Aug. 31 (business days).
Submit all fees with application. If the applicant does not meet credentialing criteria, the examination fee will be refunded. The remaining fees are non-refundable.
$650 of fees may be refunded upon receipt of a written statement that the applicant wishes to withdraw from the examination. This statement must reach the Administrative Office at least 30 days prior to the examination. Deferral to a subsequent year's examination will require a full application form to be resubmitted together with the credentialing and examination fees.
Fellowship Program Registration Fee:
Registration of a fellowship program is $200.00. The registration period is intended to facilitate programs as they transition to Accreditation status. Typically, Registration is for a period up to five years from date Registration is recognized by the ABCP. Special requests must be submitted for extensions, beyond 5 years, to the executive director of the ABCP with new fee of $200 and must include an updated registration "application" packet.
Fellowship Accreditation and Re-accreditation Fees:
Accreditation or Re-accreditation of a fellowship program is $3,000.00. The accreditation period is intended to facilitate programs professionalism in the field, & offer occasion for site visits. Board feedback for maintaining and improving accreditation programs happens every 5 years. Typically, Accreditation and Re-accreditation is for five years from date of original accreditation is recognized by the ABCP. Special requests must be submitted for extensions to the executive director of the ABCP. Application late fee is $500 and initiating re-accreditation prior to expiration will help waive any late fee.