American Board of Clinical Pharmacology, Inc.
Completing the application:
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The deadline for receipt of application is close of business APRIL 30, 2024.
Applications received after APRIL 30, 2024 must include the late fee, of $200. Incomplete applications will be returned without review. Late applications will not be accepted after close of business May 16, 2024.
Download Application:
Download the application form
Application checklist:
The following is needed to assure a complete application:
_____Application form, including identification form with current photograph and Program Certificate completed.
_____A reproduction or copy of documentation of all advanced degrees. (notarized)
_____Documentation of primary ABMS Board certification (Copy of US Licensure for MD's), if applicable[CP exam]
_____(2-4) Letters of recommendation or endorsement (submitted directly to the Administrative Office of the ABCP, addressed to the Credentials Committee.) ~ 1 page about you, your work, and recommending you to the board. Letters must be postmarked by April 30th
_____(2) Publications or samples of your research work, poster sessions, abstracts, case studies, etc.
_____Curriculum Vitae
_____Check/Appropriate fee(s) as indicated on the application. All remittances must be made only by check or money order for United States currency, drawn on a U.S. bank, made payable to the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology, Inc. and must be postmarked by April 30th
After completing the application: The application should be emailed (ABClinPharm.net@outlook.com) as a pdf or mailed (postmarked by April 30th) to the ABCP's administrative offices at the address below:
The American Board of Clinical Pharmacology
Administrative Office, 322 West Borwell
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756
ALL CONTACT between applicants and Board members regarding the application process will be through the administrative office by email or phone: 603-650-6227